Category Archives: Bucket List

Bucket List Checkmark–Sea Kayaking


Two items down, hooray!!!

Sea Kayaking through Florida Mangroves

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Bucket List Checkmark–2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon


I DID IT!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!

Bucket List 2013:

1.       Run the Disney Princess Half-Marathon

2.       Do something new on our vacation to the Bahamas

3.       Commit 5 different random acts of kindness

4.       Participate in a mud run

5.       Join a Mommy & Me class

6.       Explore a mountain

7.       Start a new family tradition

8.       Finish a quilt

9.       Write a book

10.   Post on this blog EVERY DAY

Item #1–Check!

Hubby and I just got back from Disney a few days ago. We went down to run in the Disney Princess Half Marathon–our first half marathon EVER!!! We stayed for a few days to celebrate and make it a full vacation. Here’s a few pics from the main event:


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Bucket List 2013


Lesley Carter from Bucket List Publications recently visited my blog (so exciting!) so I took some time to browse through hers as well. I really love the whole theme behind her articles and I absolutely LOVED this quote:

“Some people create a bucket list because they are dying; I created one because I want to live.” ~Lesley Carter

SO INSPIRING! I really enjoyed looking through her bucket list, so I set out to write my very first bucket list EVER. Since I’m just now dipping my toes into this idea, my list is a little shorter and a bit more timid but still really exciting!!!

Bucket List 2013:

1.       Run the Disney Princess Half-Marathon

2.       Do something new on our vacation to the Bahamas

3.       Commit 5 different random acts of kindness

4.       Participate in a mud run

5.       Join a Mommy & Me class

6.       Explore a mountain

7.       Start a new family tradition

8.       Finish a quilt

9.       Write a book

10.   Post on this blog EVERY DAY

Check out Lesley’s blog, Bucket List Publications, for more inspiration.  I also really enjoyed this article, 225 Things to Do Before You Die, by Life’d.

What else is on your bucket list???

