Category Archives: Activities

Playing Peek-a-boo


Playing Peekaboo by Lime Lane Love



Baby boy recently turned 7 months old and he’s really getting interested in the idea of object permanence. I love how it fascinates him to hide his toys and watch them reappear again and again! It never fails to make him smile which makes everyone else smile too 🙂

I wanted to capture some of this on camera.

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DIY Printable Easter Egg Hunt Clues


Easter Egg Hunt Clue Cards

Sometimes the smaller tots need a little help finding those eggs on Easter morning. Here’s a really cute, fun and free way to help them out from Spoonful!

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I-Spy Quilt Square Swap


Ever heard of an I-Spy quilt? It’s made with lots of different novelty fabrics so that each little square has something different to play I-Spy with. Making the quilt can be a tedious process because each square should be different, and you need a LOT of squares for a good I-Spy quilt.

This is why I was SO excited to find this I-Spy Swap over at Helping Little Hands! Instead of cutting one tiny square from 200 different fabrics, you cut 20 squares each from 10 different fabrics and send them in. Then the squares get swapped with other participants, and you get 200 different squares back–so much easier! And cheaper since you’re not buying 200 fabrics 😉

The March swap is closed, but you can leave a comment to get added to a future swap.

These are the 10 fabrics I sent in:


Can’t wait to put my I-Spy quilt together!!!



5 DIY Leprechaun Traps


I love this idea! Definitely doing this with baby boy when he gets bigger. If you’re looking for ways to trap a leprechaun, check out these creative traps:

Leprechaun Trap Cake by Not Martha

leprechaun trap rainbow cake

leprechaun trap rainbow cake

Rainbow Leprechaun Trap by Club Chica Circle

How to Bait a Leprechaun with Tiny Doughnuts by What Will We Do Today?

Chalkboard Leprechaun Trap by Modern Parents Messy Kids

Leprechaun Hat Trap by Spoonful

To Catch a Leprechaun Hat

I hope you catch him and get your pot of gold!



St Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt


DIY Treasure Hunt

This is a fun St Patrick’s Day tradition to start with your kiddos! You can have a real prize for them at the end (candy, coins, etc) or you can use the free option below.

I found this printable at The cards themselves are blank so you can either write in your own clues, or you can type them in photoshop. There are 6 cards total, but you can print as many sheets as you want if you’d like more clues. Suggested clues are below.

Spoonful Printable Clue Cards

St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt

Suggested clues from Spoonful:

1.       Search far and wide by any measure, it’s time to begin your quest for treasure.

2.       Left and right you’ll turn your head, when you look underneath your bed.

3.       The rainbow path has come to an end. You’ve found a treasure to share with your friends.

Suggested Clues by Lime Lane Love:

1.       It’s time to start your treasure hunt, let us begin on the porch out front.

2.       You can do it—I’m sure you are able! Maybe the treasure is under the table.

3.       Keep trying, you’ll probably have to crouch—now you must look under the couch.

4.       I’m sure the treasure is dead ahead!  Let’s go look behind your bed…

5.       If it’s treasure you desire, maybe you should check the dryer.

6.       You’ll soon join the treasure club if you go look in the tub.

7.       You can find what you pursue, let’s check were we keep the food.

8.       In a cabinet? Under a box? Go look where you keep your socks.

9.       (End with a prize) You have searched far and wide, now it’s time to claim your prize!

10.   (Free option) You have done it! Now we’re through. We found what we wanted—the treasure is you!

